Category: News

METSATEK with partners for the first time in FinnMETKO show timber truck KIT

METSATEK concluded this year's exhibition season with participation in Finland's largest heavy equipment exhibition FinnMETKO on August 29 - 31.

During the exhibition, METSATEK introduced with the newest collaboration partner and dealer in Finland Naaran Kuljetushuoltu, presented the new product – 180mm aluminium subframe, and together with the new partner provided the opportunity to see in the FinnMETKO exhibition in person for the first time in its history ready-to-install timber truck body kit (KIT).

This year's participation in the Finnish exhibition turned out to be particularly successful. From a strategic point of view, it was important for us to personally introduce potential Finnish customers to our two dealers. Osamyynti Trucks, who offers full-cycle Metsatek timber truck solutions manufactured and installed in Latvia. However, the new partner Naaran Kuljetushuoltu will offer customers Metsatek's timber truck KIT solutions with installation in Finland. Cooperation with the new partner will not only ease project logistics costs, but also serve as a support point for service and after-sales solutions in Finland, “ explains Guntis Bukalders, METSATEK Managing Director

Since Naaran Kuljetushuoltu's main product of METSATEK is the KIT, the partner's team had brought an assembled sample of the body kit of the superstructure. Although KIT solutions are not new in Finland, such a solution of assembled KIT on a trailer and available for viewing in person was on display for the first time at the impressive FinnMETKO exhibition.

Another surprise was delivered by Osamynty Trucks. They treated the guests with a special moment of relaxation and drinks in a rebuilt historic Scania truck.

Together with our partners, we created an interesting environment in which to see both the various solutions of timber truck truck bodies and hold valuable discussions about future projects. We are glad that at this exhibition we met not only many Finnish customers, but also several large Latvian customers and representatives of forestry companies.
METSATEK's name and solutions were noticed. Now we continue to work on the best solutions for our customers!




The new 180mm aluminium subframe creates a lot of interest at the Elmia exhibition in Sweden

From August 21 to 24, the Metsatek team participated in the largest transport exhibition in the northern region of Europe, Elmia Lastbil (Sweden). 
Metsatek's newest product was demonstrated for the first time together with partners - 180mm aluminium subframe and Cranab AB hydromanipulator TL12. 

"The exhibition in Sweden was a great platform to demonstrate our latest timber truck solutions to a wider audience for the first time. We met the biggest customers from Sweden, Finland and other European countries. We were pleased with the great interest in the new 180mm aluminium subframe solution, which allows to increase the payload and ensures additional loading volume.
Valuable discussions have also resulted in new ideas for other products. Our engineers have something to work on!Guntis Bukalders, Metsatek Managing Director 

The next international exhibition with the participation of Metsatek is on August 29-31 in Finland, FinnMETKO 2024.

METSATEK will participate in FinnMETKO 2024 expo in Finland

No 29.-31.augustam Metsatek kopā ar partneriem Somijā Osamyynti Trucks OY un Naaran Kuljetushuolto OY ja piedalīsies Somijas lielākajā izstādē, kas veltīta smagās tehnikas vienībām. Izstāde norisināsies Jämsä, Somijā.
Metsatek stand number: #68.

During the exhibition, Metsatek will introduce its new partners Naaran Kuljetushuolto OY for the first time, as well as visitors will be able to view various timber truck units and the latest body solutions in person.

More info on visiting the exhibition:



METSATEK will participate in the Elmia Lastbi exhibition in Sweden

From August 21-24, Metsatek together with our partner and manufacturer of hydraulic manipulators Cranab AB will participate in the largest transport exhibition in the northern region of Europe, Elmia Lastbi. The exhibition will take place in Jönköping, Sweden.
Stand number: U502:10, Cranab.

During the exhibition, both Metsatek and Cranab will present important product innovations for the first time. Visitors will also be able to see various technical units and superstructure solutions in person.

More info on visiting the exhibition:


Metsatek participates in KWF, the forest industry exhibition in Germany

Continuing the implementation of export plans, Metsatek takes the first step in entering the German market! From June 19 to 22, Metsatek participated in one of the world's largest forest industry exhibitions KWF.In cooperation with Voll Logging GmbH, this was an opportunity to showcase the first Metsatek timber truck body built for the German market.

Guntis Bukalders, Metsatek Managing Director: “Each country has its own specifics for the timber truck bodies. Minimalist and more standard solutions are characteristic of Germany. We can be proud that our product solutions are distinguished by premium quality and the ability to find an individual approach to the needs of each customer. During these four days, it was also appreciated by the representatives of forestry companies. Currently, our task is to prepare the most suitable offer for the German market. And hopefully, Metsatek bodies will soon be working in the German forests. "

Company newsNews
The new production facilities will allow to expand the range of production solutions

In April of this year, METSATEK concluded a 1.1 million euro investment project, unveiling the latest equipment for the modernization of the production plant. It includes large-scale paint and shot blasting chambers, a CNC metal bending press and a welding robot. 

All four production facilities open up technically new possibilities in the production process of METSATEK products. This modernization strategy will strengthen the course taken by the company - a convincing leadership position in the production of timber truck and other superstructure solutions in the Baltics, as well as the expansion of the customer base in Scandinavia. These production improvements are available to our customers today,explains Guntis Bukalders, METSATEK Managing Director

Welding robot

With welding robot METSATEK can currently perform at least twice as many welding work hours. Ensuring a consistently high precision welding job.

Large-skale paint and shot blasting chamber installation allows processing of parts up to 12 meters long, which is a rare availability in Latvia. The technological advantage of the chosen painting chamber is the possibility of dividing it into two separate zones. This means the possibility to carry out two different dyeings at the same time and separately control the temperature to ensure suitable drying conditions.

Large-scale shot blasting chamber

The shot blasting chamber is probably the only one of its kind in Latvia at the moment. It processes ferrous metal parts with metal shot. This method, in contrast to the usual sandblasting, ensures the preparation of almost perfect quality parts for painting.

Additionally, with CNC metal bending press acquisition, METSATEK will strengthen the independence of the production processes. As previously the bending of metal parts was used as an outsourcing service.

CNC metal bending press

From the total investments, EUR 638,353.99 were invested in the purchase of four new production equipment machines. Additionally, more than EUR 400,000 of METSATEK funds were invested in the reconstruction of buildings and territory. As part of the investment, two new production workshops were built, a well-equipped technical area and increased security conditions of the territory.

Large-size painting chamber

The implemented project allows the company to become the most modern automotive manufacturer in the Baltics, to increase the volume of production, to provide customers with consistently high-quality products, 10 new jobs have been created and the working environment for employees has been improved.

Investments were acquired in cooperation with LIAA (Latvian Investment and Development Agency) and the project ""Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures", as part of which METSATEK receives a grant of EUR 351,094.69 from Norway.

Norwegian grant project
"Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures" kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā”

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Company newsNews
METSATEK receives ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate

From April 2024, METSATEK has received the Bureau Veritas Certification ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate. It certifies the compliance of METSATK's management and operational standards with the established requirements. 

Previously, such certification was granted to Metsatek's timber truck equipment design and production works. However, this year the scope of certification work was expanded and applied to shotblasting and wet painting.  These will now be carried out in the new large-scale shot blasting and painting chambers.

Company newsNews
METSATEK completes investment project of one million euros

METSATEK, the leading automotive company in the Baltics, unveils the latest production modernization equipment in its production facility – large-sized painting and scraping chambers, a CNC metal bending press and robotic welding equipment. With this event, an investment project in the amount of more than one million euros is successfully concluded.

The implemented improvements allows the company to become the most modern automotive manufacturer in the Baltics, to increase the volume of production and to provide customers with consistently high-quality products. In addition, 10 new jobs have been created and the working environment for employees has been improved.

 Of the total investments, EUR 638,353.99 is invested to the purchase of four new production equipment machines. Investments were acquired in cooperation with LIAA (Latvian Investment and Development Agency) and the project "Creation of new technology for the introduction of modular timber carrier bodies in production", as part of which METSATEK receives a grant of EUR 351,094.69 from Norway.

Additionally more than 500,000 EUR from METSATEK funds were invested in the reconstruction of buildings and territory. As part of the project, two new production workshops were built, a well-equipped technical area was created and the security conditions of the area were increased.

After the implementation of the project, METSATEK manager Guntis Bukalders reveals:We begun this road of development in December 2021. In three years, more than one challenge has been experienced. I would like to thank both the METSATEK team and our cooperation partners PROFIBUS, RADEX, SVYDIS, NAGLIS & ERR and KROWN Fredrikstad for their perseverance and orientation towards joint solutions.

The result is remarkable and has enabled METSATEK to become the most modern and largest automotive company in the Baltics! Already today, we have expanded the range of superstructure products and also offer our customers solutions for tippers and various platforms."

The purpose of the investment project is to promote the increase of METSATEK's productivity, export capacity and competitiveness by introducing into production a new product - a collapsible aluminum / steel log carrier body with a unique constructive solution, as well as to introduce innovative technologies, thereby significantly reducing the impact on the environment.


METSATEK participates in Mehu dienas 2024

This year, Metsatek participated for the first time in the legendary "Mehu dienas" racing event organized by students. Along with this event, we have also opened the opportunity for students to apply for internships and jobs by sending an email to: or filling out the form:

We also had the honor to be a part of the ceremonial parade with a timber truck, which was later exhibited at the "Rullītis" karting track.

 “Technical solutions in the world are currently developing at an unprecedented speed. Although many things can be done automatically, the technical knowledge and skills of an employee are worth their weight in gold! Also in our daily work, most of the work is done by professional engineers, mechanics, welders and other technical specialists. Therefore, we are happy to support the new generation of specialists to promote their further growth,reveals Guntis Bukalders, Metsatek Managing Director  


Mechanized vehicles and motorsport enthusiasts gathered in Jelgava for the 27th time. The Student Self-Government team of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies managed to create an adrenaline-rich and widely attended event this year as well.

We thank for the opportunity to be part of this event and support the development of technical sciences in Latvia!

Company newsNews
Project equipment has been delivered

Projekta “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā” ietvaros  SIA “Metsatek” ražošanas telpās ir piegādātas visas 4 iekārtas: robotizēta metināšanas sistēma, krāsošanas kamera, CNC liekšanas prese un skrotēšanas kamera. Līdz 2024. gada 30. aprīlim plānots visas iekārtas nodot ekspluatācijā.

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


Deliveries of equipment have been made

Within the framework of the project “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures “, all 4 machines have been delivered to the production premises of SIA “Metsatek”: a robotic welding system, a painting chamber, a CNC bending press and a scraping chamber. It is planned to put all the equipment into operation by April 30, 2024.

Norwegian grant project
“Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures”

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


Latvia's President Edgars Rinkēvičs visits the Metsatek production plant

During his working visit to the Ķekava region, the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs visited the Metsatek production facility.

The CEO of Metsatek, Viesturs Spila, introduced with the company's operations and market positions, future plans, as well as shared opinion on the challenges of the industry and Latvian economy.

We are honored for the visit and the opportunity to meet in person. We appreciate the positive evaluation of our work.

photo: Chancellery of the State President, Dāvis Doršs

The results of Metsatek's procurement procedures have been confirmed

Norvēģijas grantu projekts: “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā”

Projekta “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā” ietvaros  SIA “Metsatek” ir pasludinājis uzvarētājus sekojošās iepirkuma procedūrās:

1) Robotizēta metināšanas sistēma – UAB Profibus (199 733,00 EUR bez PVN);

2) Krāsošanas kamera – SIA RADEX-EUROPE (141 000,00 EUR bez PVN);

3) CNC liekšanas prese – SIA Naglis & ERR (143 000,00 EUR bez PVN);

4) Skrotēšanas kamera – SIA Svydis Latvija (188 100,00 EUR bez PVN).

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


Norwegian grant project: “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures”

Within the framework of the project “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures”, SIA “Metsatek” has announced the winners in the following procurement procedures:

1) Robotized welding system – UAB Profibus (199 733,00 EUR excl. VAT);

2) Painting chamber – SIA RADEX-EUROPE (141 000,00 excl. VAT);

3) CNC bending press – SIA Naglis & ERR (143 000,00 EUR excl. VAT);

4) Shot blasting chamber – SIA Svydis Latvija (188 100,00 EUR excl. VAT).

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Company newsNews
The LNMA board meeting was held at the METSATEK production facility and product news was presented

At the end of summer, members of LNMA (Latvian Independent Forestry Association) gathered at the METSATEK production facility. The meeting with the new board of LVM (Latvian State Forests) was discussed in the audience, the members had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the research of the selection company FONTES on the remuneration of the forest industry and the latest products were presented to the first, in cooperation with Cargo Mobile SIA - a timber semi-trailer with a hydromanipulator and a novelty on the Latvian market - three-axle logging trailer OZTREYLER.

In the METSATEK factory, Cargo Mobile SIA, in cooperation with SELF Logistics, presented a heavy-duty timber semi-trailer DENNISON made in England with a front-mounted hydromanipulator Loglift F96ST. With the availability of such a product on the Latvian market, customers will have the opportunity to adapt to the seasonal demand for transportation. In the summer season, farmers can transport grain, while in winter, such a trailer solution can be used to transport timber. By being able to adapt to seasonality, the car load is ensured to the maximum.

As the second innovation at the METSATEK production facility, in cooperation with Cargo Mobile SIA, a completely new product was presented on the Latvian market - a three-axle timber trailer OZTREYLER. It is manufactured in Turkey, taking into account our technical recommendations and understanding of customer demand in the Latvian market.

With the new OZTREYLER trailer, the goal is to offer customers an alternative, lower-priced solution, while at the same time providing the highest possible quality, performance and convenient after-sales service with service maintenance.

Norwegian grant project - Metsatek announces the winners of the procurement procedures

Projekta “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā” ietvaros  SIA “Metsatek” ir pasludinājis uzvarētājus sekojošās iepirkuma procedūrās:

1) Robotizēta metināšanas sistēma – UAB Profibus (199 733,00 EUR bez PVN);

2) Krāsošanas kamera – SIA Svydis Latvija (94 796,00 EUR bez PVN);

3) CNC liekšanas prese – SIA Naglis & ERR (143 000,00 EUR bez PVN);

4) Skrotēšanas kamera – SIA Svydis Latvija (182 631,00 EUR bez PVN).

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe



Norway grants project – Metsatek announces the winners in procurement procedures

Within the framework of the project “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures”, SIA “Metsatek” has announced the winners in the following procurement procedures:

1) Robotized welding system – UAB Profibus (199 733,00 EUR excl. VAT);

2) Painting chamber – SIA Svydis Latvija (94 796,00 EUR excl. VAT);

3) CNC bending press – SIA Naglis & ERR (143 000,00 EUR excl. VAT);

4) Shot blasting chamber – SIA Svydis Latvija (182 631,00 EUR excl. VAT).

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Metsatek receives funding for a Norwegian grant project

Projekts “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā” saņem grantu 351094,69 EUR apmērā no Norvēģijas. Projekta mērķis ir veicināt SIA “Metsatek” produktivitātes, eksportspējas un konkurētspējas paaugstināšanu, ieviešot ražošanā jaunu produktu – saliekamu alumīnija/tērauda kokvedēja virsbūvi ar unikālu konstruktīvu risinājumu, kā arī ieviest inovatīvas tehnoloģijas tādā veidā ievērojami samazinot ietekmi uz vidi.

Finansējuma saņēmējs: SIA “Metsatek” | Sadarbības iestāde: Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


Metsatek receives funding for Norway grant project

Project “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures” receives a grant of EUR 351,094.69 from Norway. The objective of the project is to encourage export capacity and improve competitiveness of SIA Metsatek, by introducing a new product in production – prefabricated aluminium/steel timber truck superstructure with unique structural solution, as well as introduce innovational technologies, thus, considerably reducing environmental impact.

Beneficiary of funding: SIA “Metsatek” | Cooperation institution: Latvian Investment and Development Agency

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

About us

METSATEK is the leading automotive company in the Baltics, performing full-cycle project implementation. Starting from a specially designed technical solution, to production and construction. In addition, we also provide timber and other wood transportation solutions with full service.
Reg.num: 40003917967
PVN num: LV40003917967
Address: Stabu 92-6, Rīga, LV-1009
Faktiskā adrese: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija
Reg. numb: 40003917967
VAT numb: LV40003917967
Address: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija

Contact us!

  • Address:
    "Kaldari", Ķekavas nov. Ķekavas pag., LV-2123

  • Phone number:
    +371 26 416 999

  • E-mail: