Day: 24 aprīlis 2024

ProductsCompany news
METSATEK presents product news at the Maamess 2024 exhibition

From April 20-22, Metsatek participated in one of the largest agricultural and forestry exhibitions in the Baltics - Maamess 2024 (Tartu, Estonia).
At the exhibition, the latest Metsatek products were presented to a wider audience and customers for the first time.

Šogad tie bija 20 jauni un uzlaboti risinājumi kokvedēju virsbūvei, kā arī pilnīgs jaunums Metsatek piedāvājumā – kravas kaste ar tentu un kravas liftu.
Turpmāk Metsatek varēs nodrošināt klientiem pilna servisa ražošanas risinājumus kravas platformām un pašizgāzējiem. Pakalpojumā tiks nodrošināta konsultācija par piemērotākā risinājuma izveidi, individuāls tehniskais dizains, ražošana un uzstādīšana.

During three days, we were happy to meet more than 30 of our existing customers and partners, as well as to introduce Metsatek's products to guests from the Baltics and Scandinavia.
In total, 42 thousand guests visited the exhibition this year.



About us

METSATEK is the leading automotive company in the Baltics, performing full-cycle project implementation. Starting from a specially designed technical solution, to production and construction. In addition, we also provide timber and other wood transportation solutions with full service.
Reg.num: 40003917967
PVN num: LV40003917967
Address: Stabu 92-6, Rīga, LV-1009
Faktiskā adrese: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija
Reg. numb: 40003917967
VAT numb: LV40003917967
Address: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija

Contact us!

  • Address:
    "Kaldari", Ķekavas nov. Ķekavas pag., LV-2123

  • Phone number:
    +371 26 416 999

  • E-mail: