Day: 17 decembris 2021

Metsatek receives funding for a Norwegian grant project

Projekts “Jaunas tehnoloģijas izveide modulāro kokvedēju virsbūvju ieviešanai ražošanā” saņem grantu 351094,69 EUR apmērā no Norvēģijas. Projekta mērķis ir veicināt SIA “Metsatek” produktivitātes, eksportspējas un konkurētspējas paaugstināšanu, ieviešot ražošanā jaunu produktu – saliekamu alumīnija/tērauda kokvedēja virsbūvi ar unikālu konstruktīvu risinājumu, kā arī ieviest inovatīvas tehnoloģijas tādā veidā ievērojami samazinot ietekmi uz vidi.

Finansējuma saņēmējs: SIA “Metsatek” | Sadarbības iestāde: Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


Metsatek receives funding for Norway grant project

Project “Development of new technology for production of modular timber truck superstructures” receives a grant of EUR 351,094.69 from Norway. The objective of the project is to encourage export capacity and improve competitiveness of SIA Metsatek, by introducing a new product in production – prefabricated aluminium/steel timber truck superstructure with unique structural solution, as well as introduce innovational technologies, thus, considerably reducing environmental impact.

Beneficiary of funding: SIA “Metsatek” | Cooperation institution: Latvian Investment and Development Agency

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

About us

METSATEK is the leading automotive company in the Baltics, performing full-cycle project implementation. Starting from a specially designed technical solution, to production and construction. In addition, we also provide timber and other wood transportation solutions with full service.
Reg.num: 40003917967
PVN num: LV40003917967
Address: Stabu 92-6, Rīga, LV-1009
Faktiskā adrese: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija
Reg. numb: 40003917967
VAT numb: LV40003917967
Address: “Kaldari”, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvija

Contact us!

  • Address:
    "Kaldari", Ķekavas nov. Ķekavas pag., LV-2123

  • Phone number:
    +371 26 416 999

  • E-mail: